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Research and referencing: Step 4: Organising/Synthesising

How will I organise research? How will I document findings?

Which referencing system should I use?

Which referencing system should I use?

There are a few different referencing systems used at Pymble. Each systems have a particular format for creating a bibliography.

All subjects in years 7 - 10 will require students to use the APA referencing system. This system uses in-text referencing, as well as creating a bibliography.

In the senior years, different subjects will have different referencing styles that pertain to that particular filed of study. Students may be asked to use the CHICAGO referencing systems. Chicago 17 is used in History, this system uses footnote referencing, as well as creating a bibliography.    

It is encouraged that student's use Zotero in to help them manage their sources and create correct citations and bibliographies.  It's important to check that all source information has come across correctly when using an automated referencing tool.

SLASA Online Bibliography Generation Tool

Chicago Referencing

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Yes: 29 votes (34.12%)
No: 56 votes (65.88%)
Total Votes: 85

What is referencing?

Referencing is a standardised method of acknowledging sources of information and ideas that you have used in your assignments or research, in a way that uniquely identifies the source. It is not only necessary for avoiding plagiarism, but also for supporting your ideas and arguments. 

References must be provided wherever you quote (se exact words), paraphrase (use other people's ideas expressed in your own words), summarise (use main points of someone else's opinions, theories or data) or use other people's data. Your references may be sources of information such as books, periodicals, web sites, newspapers, government reports, legal cases, electronic recording (CD, DVD, television) or brochures.


About Chicago Style

There are two parts to Chicago referencing:

  • The citations, or references, within the text of your paper. These are set out as footnotes at the bottom of the page.
  • The reference list (or bibliography) at the end of your paper.

Chicago style is an "author-date" style.



A free, easy-to-use tool to help you collect, organize, cite, and share research.
Downloading Zotero
Tips and Tricks to Zotero

Microsoft Word

Using Zotero with Microsoft Word

How to footnote using Zotero
Zotero Bibliography