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Science Ext 2023-2024: Literature Review


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General Steps for Writing a Literature Review - Wesleyan University

Here is a general outline of steps to write a thematically organized literature review. Instead of theme, you can also structure your literature review around methodologies used, chronological developments, or exploring conflicting perspectives - whatever makes the most sense for your research.

Stage one: annotated bibliography.

As you read articles, books, etc, on your topic, write a brief critical synopsis of each. After going through your reading list, you will have an abstract or annotation of each source you read. 

Stage two: thematic organization.

Find common themes in the works you read, and organize the works into categories. Typically, each work you include in your review can fit into one category or sub-theme of your main theme, but sometimes a work can fit in more than one. Write some brief paragraphs outlining your categories, how in general the works in each category relate to each other, and how the categories relate to each other and to your overall theme. Consider only themes and patterns that are relevant to your research question.

Stage three: more reading.

Based on the knowledge you have gained in your reading, you should have a better understanding of the topic and of the literature related to it. Perhaps you have discovered specific researchers who are important to the field, or research methodologies you were not aware of. Look for more literature by those authors, on those methodologies, etc. Also, you may be able to set aside some less relevant areas or articles which you pursued initially. Integrate the new readings into your literature review draft. Reorganize themes and read more as appropriate.

Stage four: write individual sections. 

For each thematic section,  use your draft annotations to write a section which discusses the articles relevant to that theme. Focus your writing on the theme of that section, showing how the articles relate to each other and to the theme, rather than focusing your writing on each individual article. Highlight gaps in the research, and link them to your research question.

Stage five: integrate sections.

Now that you have the thematic sections, tie them together with an introduction, conclusion, and some additions and revisions in the sections to show how they relate to each other and to your overall theme. Summarise how the information you've found justifies the need for your research question.

Structure Mindmap