Opening Hours
Monday - Thursday: 7.30am - 6.00pm
Friday : 7.30am - 5.00pm
Phone: 02 9855 7661
Below you will find some helpful links to Protest Poetry
When searching for protest poems, use terms such as: protest, politics, slam, beat, war, human rights, social justice, peace, poverty, women. Also think of specific terms relating to social justice such as sexism, racism, etc
General Poetry Sites :Use the Advance Search to search for terms such as "protest", "politics", "slam", "beat", "war"
Protest Poetry from Poet's Corner
The Quarry: A Social Justice Database: Search for keywords such as "refugees", "war", "protest"
Songs and Poetry Which Changed the World
Political Poems by Poetry Foundation
Australian Protest Songs
Australia's Top 10 Rock Protest Songs
Contemporary Aboriginal Poems: Search for keywords such as "protest", "war", "Vietnam" etc.
Beat Poetry