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Year 10 History - The Cold War: Home


Use the following encyclopedias the Library subscribes to for detailed, reliable information on your topic. Use the search bar to enter your topic. Please note that you need to be signed in to your Pymble account to access these.

When using Encyclopedia Britannica, select the 'High' level for more detailed information.


Primary source databases




Use the scaffold below to help you organise your research and information. Save the Word doc to your computer to use.



There are a range of podcasts on Cold War events, personalities and treaties. Podcasts are a great, convenient way to learn about topics - learn while you're on the train, walking, in the car! Most episodes of each podcast focus on a particular part of the Cold War. Look through the contents or search where possible to find one that relates to your topic.

Quick Links


You are required to create and provide a correctly set-out bibliography for this task using the APA style. SLASA is a tool that can help you correctly format your bibliography according to the APA style. Click on the image below to access SLASA. If you can't access SLASA this way, please use the link in Online databases in the Quick Links box.

You can also use ZOTERO to help you organise your references and bibliography. If you aren't familiar with Zotero and wish to find out more about it, feel free to book a time with the teacher-librarians. Use the 'Ask a Librarian' link below. Please note that if you use Zotero, you will need to ensure you are using the APA style to create your references.

Ask a Librarian

Struggling to find the right source? Need help with your bibliography? In a research pickle? 

Contact the Library to seek the help of a teacher librarian. Click the link below to ask a question or make an appointment with the friendly TLs in the Conde Library.


Image in banner taken from The History Channel