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Library SuperSearch: Access information

Access with the eBook and article viewer

Read an entire eBook or article online in Library SuperSearch with the EBSCO Viewer. 

Under the Access options drop down, choose EPUB full text, PDF full text, HTML full text or Online full text.  

eBook Article/Reference entry


You can also download eBooks to read offline on your desktop with Adobe Digital Editions for a number of days. For more information on how to do this, see the help guide below:

Download with the eBook and article viewer

To download a chapter of an eBook

1. Open the eBook using the EPUB full text or PDF full text option from the Access now dropdown.

2. Click the Table of Content icon and click the download icon next to the chapter you would like to download. Select either Chapter or Current page in the download confirmation box, then the Download button .

To download an article

Click the Download button in the detailed record or article viewer to open the download options.

  • PDF (Recommended for desktop) - download a PDF copy of the article
  • Online full text (HTML) - download a HTML document of the page


Access with Full Text Finder

For some resources, it takes a few more steps to find and access the full text. These resources will have the link out to Full Text Finder in the Access options drop down. 

Full Text Finder does not always take you directly to the full text article. You might be taken to the journal title where you then have to find the exact volume and issue for the article you are after. 

Access with the publisher's site

For some resources, you may be taken directly to the database to access the full text. These links will typically have the name of the database under the Access Now drop down. 

On the database, look for a link or button which says "Full Text" or "PDF".