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Library SuperSearch: Troubleshooting

Technical troubleshoot

Having trouble accessing Library databases or services? Here are some of the most common solutions for resolving issues with Library access.

  • Clear your browser's cookies and history caches.
  • Try using another web browser (e.g. Firefox instead of Chrome). If it is working on the other browser then there could be a setting or extension on your usual browser that is affecting your access.
  • A temporary time-out may occur due to various reasons. Please refresh the browser, close the tab and/or perform the search again.
  • Occasionally the publishers' platforms will be down for system maintenance. If this is the case, please try again at a later time.
  • If you have a strong firewall or antivirus software, this might need to be temporarily disabled for some database features to work.

Search unavailable

If you are getting the "Search unavailable" error, your session may have timed out. Refresh your browser (it will take some time to reconnect) or clear your cookies by using the lock icon next to the address bar. If the error continues to occur, please get in contact with library staff with the search terms you used.

Report a broken link

Is the link still not working? Submit a Report a broken link form from the Access Now drop down, and library staff will get back to you as soon as possible. 


No link?

Not getting a link to the resource?

Check that the Available with Pymble filter is on:

Submit a Report a broken link form from the Access Now drop down, and library staff will get back to you as soon as possible.