How do I measure success? What have I done well? What do I need to work on? Where to from here?
Where could you take your research next?
The Student Research Conference is a great place to talk about your research and hear from other inspiring researchers!
Was my topic a good choice?
Did I find too much or not enough information?
Did it maintain my interest?
Did I find an answer to my research question?
How did my topic/question change over time?
What was I most worried about before I started? Were these parts the hardest?
What have I learnt about research? What skills have I gained that I can use in other areas of my life/schooling?
Did my mentor and I work well together? What was the most useful feedback or guidance my mentor gave me? Did I ask all the questions I had or mostly figure things out myself?
What did I do well?
What would I do differently next time?
Feedback is a key part in the process of ongoing learning. Take time to reflect on comments from your mentor as it will help you with your future work and help you better understand your topic and the research process.